
Showing 5 Posts in “aluminum wiring.”

Common Wiring Issues in Old Homes: 1900s-1950s | 5 mins

Older homes have a certain style and character that can be incredibly endearing, and their lower price tags often make homeownership much more plausible. Although living in these older homes can be a rewarding experience, they also come with some potential issues—including the condition of their electrical wiring. The electrical […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Aluminum Wiring | 5 mins

Aluminum wiring was never technically made illegal in Alberta, so it still exists in many older homes. But that doesn’t necessarily mean aluminum wiring is ideal—or even safe. Learning more about aluminum wiring and its properties can help you learn what to do if the wires in your home use […]

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Common Wiring Issues in Old Homes: 1960s-1980s | 5 mins

In our last article, we covered some of the common wiring issues of homes built in the 1900s to 1950s. In this article, we’re going to discuss the common wiring issues in homes built in the 1960s to 1980s. The 1960s and 70s had brought about massive changes in how […]

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Is Aluminum Electrical Wiring Safe? | 4 mins

Many different materials go into building a home, and as time goes by, technology and standard practices are always evolving. When it comes to electrical wiring, different conductors perform on different levels. In today’s new home construction, copper is king when it comes to electrical wiring. Aluminum wiring can provide […]

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When Did They Stop Using Aluminum Wiring in Homes? | 3 mins

If you own a business or home that has aluminum wiring within its walls, you may want to consider replacing and upgrading your wiring. Wiring made from aluminum can lead to accidents involving fire hazards and corrosion when not installed or maintained properly. Contact 4-Star Electric for an electrical inspection […]

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