
Showing 9 Posts in “maintenance.”

Why Do Electrical Outlets Stop Working? | 4 mins

For most people, the intricate maze of wires behind their outlets is a mystery. We just expect to plug in our devices and magically have them work. So when your phone doesn’t charge, your alarm doesn’t go off, or you can’t get your morning coffee fix, it’s important to know […]

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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Electrical Problems? | 4 mins

Now that we’ve looked at some electrical issues you might see when you’re buying a home, it’s time to talk about insurance—the ultimate “just-in-case” purchase you make when it comes to your health, car, and even home!  Home insurance is absolutely essential for any homeowner, as it can help cover […]

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Preparing Your Rental Property for New Tenants | 2 mins

Maybe you’ve been running a rental property for years, or maybe you’ve just become a landlord. Either way, getting your space ready for the next renter is vital to the success of your investment and the safety of your tenant. Here are some of the most important areas to pay […]

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Spring Cleaning & Your Electrical Systems | 1 minute

Spring cleaning can be an incredibly cathartic experience; a literal “out with the old and in with the new” project. Including an electrical portion on your spring cleaning list will also have the added benefit of reducing hazards in your home. In this week’s article we are going to explore […]

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When Was the Last Time You Had Your CO Detector Checked? | 1 minute

An invisible, odorless by-product of incomplete combustion, carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas. CO poisoning can cause headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and even death. The unfortunate part is that the appliances in our homes can produce CO without us knowing. The good news is that there is a way to […]

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Upkeeping a Generator at Your Commercial Building | 1 minute

Southern Alberta is a gorgeous place to live and work, but its geographical location does come with some elemental baggage. We happen to inhabit an area that can experience floods, tornados, and blizzards all in one season. These natural disasters pose a great threat to businesses, infrastructure, and even human […]

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Consumer Choice Awards 2019 | 0 mins

We’re proud to announce that 4-Star Electric has won a Southern Alberta 2019 Consumer Choice Award!  Our whole team has worked hard with our incredible clients to provide the best possible service offered in the Calgary area, and to have our efforts recognized for another year is a great honour. […]

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Find Us Outside of Calgary Too! | 1 minute

Alberta may be a big province, but everywhere within it holds onto those small town values. Hard work, community, and integrity seem to run through our veins regardless of what region we call home. That’s why we love doing electrical contract work all over Southern Alberta. While much of our […]

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Consumer Choice Award | 1 minute

This year marks 30 years of being in business. That’s 30 years of delivering on-time, efficient customer service to Calgary and surrounding areas. Over the years, our commitment to excellence has been recognized in our beloved community time and time again. We are no strangers to accolades when it comes […]

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